How to reduce your CO2 impact / reduce your CO2 impact


The sustainable reality of a stay in the Gulf of Morbihan by forgetting for a moment one’s combustion car.


Take the train and forget your car. We offer solutions to limit your trips pollution.

Especially as in 2017, the trip between Paris and Vannes will be reduce by 45 minutes, being 2h40 in the best case scenario. So you will reach faster your holiday destination, camping de la fontaine du hallate en Morbihan.


This option has been tested and led to a report on franceinfo.


Let’s explain how you can do it without your car :


1. the train drops you at the Vannes railway station, this way you can enjoy the trip time to carry on preparing your stay. gare de vannes golfe du morbihan

2. kiceo buses of Vannes Golfe du Morbihan drive you to Ploeren – 3km away from the campsite, from that place you just need a short walk to reach our place. bus kicéo vannes golfe du morbihan

For less tiredness, you can chose either Kiceo + bus on demand : créacéo à la demande, that connects west Vannes to the campsite; either a bicycle journey.

bus à la demande creabus de vannes au camping la fontaine du hallate

3. to stay in good shape, you can call on bicycle rental LOGO Velocouest 2022 avec fond noir 225x113 that delivers your bicycles directly on the campsite

4. For more comfort, our partner Renault Rent, close to Vannes railway station, offers electric car rental, that you can recharge with green electricity on the campsite.

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      camping 2 étoiles     MorbihanMorbihan tourisme     Morbihan Tourisme Responsable   region bretagne  vannes                      clef verte   green globe  gites de france ecolabel européen